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4 Shah Ali Bag, Section-1, Mirpur, Dhaka.

Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh.

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    SAARC Group is a leading company in the locally manufactured scientific & pharmaceutical machineries, air and water purification plants, industrial Air ventilation systems, industrial exhaust/polluted Air Purifier, industrial ETP, Quality control equipment, industrial machinery bottles and power solutions, specializing in R&D, manufacturing, sales, exporting & importing, investment management in business.


    Through 30 years of developing, SAARC Group has formed the structure of manufacturing technology, systematic product lines, sales networks & international market. SAARC Group has been working hard in developing her own products with high technology & intelligent properties in various categories with different sorts of products. With the aim of reforming & promoting the traditional industries by means of the application of high technologies and advanced practical techniques. SAARC team’s always been striving to establish a technological entity to offer total solutions based on customer’s more flexible demands as our chief objective.